Promoting the health and quality of life of the mother-infant dyad, parenting, and gender medicine /
Genital malformations
Focus of research activity is the study of quality of life in its various aspects, including sexual function, in women with Rokitansky syndrome undergoing both surgical treatment and functional method.
The activities of the endometriosis research group aim to explore the efficacy of medical and surgical therapies for endometriosis, particularly with regard to quality of life and psychological and sexological dimensions, as well as to investigate the various etiopathogenetic hypotheses underlying the condition. In addition, the research group is conducting a randomized controlled trial (which won funding from the Ministry of Health) to evaluate the effect of Mediterranean diet and physical activity in patients with symptomatic endometriosis on estro-progestin or progestin therapy. An additional line of research is the study of metabolomic profiling in women without and with endometriosis (a study that won an internal Polyclinic grant), their microbiota, and the urinary concentration of phthalate metabolites.
Gynecologic oncology
Research activity is focused on the study of cancers in pregnancy and rare gynecologic cancers, with a view to treatment, prognosis, and survival data. A second line of research is the study of Olaparib in patients with platinum-sensitive recurrence of wild type ovarian carcinoma due to somatic or germline mutations of BRCA 1 and "(M.I.T.O STUDY) genes.
Research activity is focused on studying the efficacy of dietary counseling in menopause and comparing the efficacy of dynamic quadripolar radiofrequency with local estrogen therapy and pelvic floor rehabilitation for the treatment of vulvovaginal atrophy, mild/moderate stress urinary incontinence, and vaginal relaxation syndrome. In addition, the research group is participating in a multicenter study that aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Elinzanetant for the treatment of vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women (Phase 3 randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicenter pharmacological study).
Vulvar pathology
The activities of the vulvar pathology research group aim to study the treatment of atrophic lichen sclerus (including pediatric forms) and vulvodynia. In particular, there is an active line of research on the natural history and pathophysiology of vulvodynia and the role of central sensitization in the genesis of the pathology. In addition, the research group is conducting studies to explore the efficacy of regenerative medicine techniques (platelet-enriched plasma and lipostructure) and vulvovaginal enlargement surgical techniques in patients with vulvar lichen sclerosus.
Study of HPV-related diseases
Focus of research activity is the study of HPV-related cervical and vulvar pathology, particularly with regard to long-term follow-up of precancerous lesions of the lower genital tract. Specific research strands deal with: 1) prevalence of oral papillomavirus (HPV) in HPV-infected patients at high cervical oncogenic risk and in their sexual partners; 2) efficacy of pre-surgical 9-valent HPV vaccination in women treated with diathermic loop electrosurgical excision (LEEP) for high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2+) to initially invasive cervical cancer (FIGO IA1); 3) sexological impact of human papillomavirus on women.
- MITO National Group (rare gynecologic cancers (M.I.T.O STUDY)
- INCIP - International Network: cancer in pregnancy
Genital malformation team: 5 gynecologists.
Endometriosis team: 1 full professor, 1 university researcher, 12 gynecologists.
Urogynecology team: 6 gynecologists.
Vulvar pathology and HPV relata team: 1 university researcher, 12 gynecologists.
Gynecologic oncology team: 4 gynecologists.
Other activities in this Research Line
Promoting the health and quality of life of the mother-infant dyad, parenting, and gender medicine
Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Monica Fumagalli

Irene Cetin
Pediatric Nephrology and Dialysis - Kidney Transplantation

Giovanni Montini
Pediatric Urology

Alfredo Berrettini
Pediatrics - Immunoreumatology

Carlo Virginio Agostoni
Pediatrics - Gastroenterology, hepatology, pediatric transplantation and Cystic Fibrosis

Marina Aloi
Pediatrics - Pneumoinfectiology

Carlo Virginio Agostoni
Medical Genetics

Federica Natacci
Pediatric Surgery

Ernesto Leva
Obstetric and Gynecological Emergency Room and Medically Assisted Procreation

Edgardo Somigliana