Promoting the health and quality of life of the mother-infant dyad, parenting, and gender medicine /
Study of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy
This condition recognizes two main pathological manifestations: the first, rarer but more serious for the fetus originates from an early developmental defect of the placenta. The second, more frequent is the result of pre-existing risk factors in pregnancy such as obesity diabetes. Ongoing research, some of which is networked with European and Italian centers, is directed toward the study of hemodynamic characters of the pregnant woman, inflammatory conditions caused by lifestyle and environmental pollution, epileptic characteristics of the placenta, and characters of the intestinal microbiome.
Study of fetal growth restriction
The study of this condition is carried out on two different scenarios, one internal to a European network whose goal is to identify the best method of surveillance of this condition in order to bring to delivery these fetuses in the best possible condition for weight and gestation age.
The second research scenario is internal to our center and I study the two extremes of this condition, the early and severe one at risk of endouterine death and the late one that, if identified, makes use of induction of labor before metabolic and respiratory conditions deteriorate. In this second scenario, our center is a leader in the study of umbilical venous flows.
Study of fetal microsomia associated with gestational diabetes and maternal metabolic syndromes, diabesity
Ongoing research is geared toward identifying the best criteria for diagnosing metabolic syndrome in pregnancy, and, at the end of gestation guiding the delivery pathway to avoid fetal and maternal damage in the presence of fetal macrosomia.
Ultrasound in the delivery room
The recent introduction of ultrasound in the delivery room provides extraordinary support to surveillance of the most delicate moment of pregnancy, the expulsive phase. This potential advantage, to see with images objectively what was previously only perceived by manual examination, is being studied and taught with the aim of increasingly promoting the naturalness of childbirth with the security of discreet, noninvasive surveillance that confirms the smooth progress of birth.
Study on separation of fetal cells from maternal blood
Isolate fetal cells (erythroblasts and trophoblast) to allow noninvasive prenatal diagnosis so as to replace techniques such as amniocentase and villocentase. Analysis of trophoblast cells could also be predictive of pregnancy pathologies related to altered placental function.
Study of biomarkers of pathologies in pregnancy and on mitochondrial DNA
The focus of the research is to identify biomarkers that will enable early detection of the development of diseases for which there is a predisposition (e.g., gestational diabetes and preclampsia, etc.), at particular stressful times for a woman's body, as happens during pregnancy.
- Polytechnic University of Milan
- Menarini Biomarkers Singapore (MBS)
- Lino Rossi Center, University of Milan
1 full professor, 2 PhD biologists, 1 obstetrician
Other activities in this Research Line
Promoting the health and quality of life of the mother-infant dyad, parenting, and gender medicine

Paolo Vercellini
Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Monica Fumagalli
Pediatric Nephrology and Dialysis - Kidney Transplantation

Giovanni Montini
Pediatric Urology

Alfredo Berrettini
Pediatrics - Immunoreumatology

Carlo Virginio Agostoni
Pediatrics - Gastroenterology, hepatology, pediatric transplantation and Cystic Fibrosis

Marina Aloi
Pediatrics - Pneumoinfectiology

Carlo Virginio Agostoni
Medical Genetics

Federica Natacci
Pediatric Surgery

Ernesto Leva
Obstetric and Gynecological Emergency Room and Medically Assisted Procreation

Edgardo Somigliana