Diagnostic and therapeutic innovation in central and peripheral nervous system diseases /
Maxillofacial Surgery and Odontostomatology
Customization of post oncologic reconstruction and malformation surgery
The research team deals with the study of morphological and functional results of mandibular reconstructions performed with CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing) technology of defects resulting from oncologic surgery and associated implant-prosthetic rehabilitation.
The group is involved in evaluating the results of a full digital 3D work flow for preoperative study, surgery planning, and custom made plate setting in orthognathic surgery in the treatment of facial skeletal deformities.
Surgical maxillomandibular advancement therapy in the treatment of OSAS (Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome)
The research group studies the application of CAD CAM technique with splintless programming and the use of custom made plates for a less invasive surgical approach in Maxillomandibular Advancement in the treatment of OSA.
The research team is involved in the study of salivary analytes to identify at a very early stage certain conditions such as, for example, neurodegenerative and metabolic diseases. In particular, an "inflammaging" gene panel containing 56 genes correlated with aging and inflammatory processes and specific panels for the simultaneous analysis of 756 miRNAs is used.
Applications artificial intelligence-deep learning-machine learning on invasive (rx-CT) and non-invasive (MRI, Stereophotometry) therapeutic diagnostics of face shape and size
This activity aims at the definition of linear, angular and volumetric dimensional paramenters and dimensionless parameters of "affine" alignment of the shape and size of the face in growth and pathological pathological conditions
Reliability and reproducibility of state-of-the-art phones for spatial detection of mandibular movements
The team's focus on evaluation of mandibular movement as a predictor of temporomandibular joint health status
Scoliosis and muscle activity in different dental occlusion patterns. Assessment of craniofacial morphology
The group is concerned with the morphometric and clinical assessment of the impact on growth of the craniofacial district in children-adolescents of moderate to severe scoliosis
Cranio maxillofacial reconstruction with Bio-printing technique
The group is concerned with in vitro and animal model evaluation of adipose-derived stem cell growth on scaffolds with different three-dimensional geometry, materials, and growth signals of methods and strategies aimed at reconstruction and development of maxillary bone angiogenesis and related alveolar processes
Efficacy of phyto-complexes in complementary cancer therapy
The research team is involved in the functional study of some phyto-complexes in order to characterize their pathways and indicators of efficacy both in experimental studies and in patients
Effects of mental health on chronic-degenerative disease management
The research team is concerned with the evaluation of mental health-related characteristics in relation to their effects on the severity and progression of chronic-degenerative diseases and in particular diabetes
Clinical validation of cancer biomarkers
The research team is involved in clinical evaluative studies of biomarkers experimentally already identified as predictors of risk of cancer development and progression.
Metabolic modulation of "Immune check-point inhibitors" in cancers
The research team is concerned with studying the metabolic modulation of the response to immuno-therapy in head and neck cancers taking into account patients' risk factors and lifestyle.
- CAD/CAM software
- Three-dimensional stereophotometry
- Quant Studio 12K flex system
- QX200 digital droplet PCR
- Quick Plex SQ 120
- University of Turin
- Federico II University of Naples
- University "Luigi Vanvitelli" of Naples
- University of Sassari
- University of Parma
- University of Rome
- Operating Unit of Maxillofacial Surgery Bufalini Hospital of Cesena
- Operative Unit of Maxillofacial Surgery S. Anna Hospital of Como
- CNR - National Research Council
- Polytechnic University of Milan
- University of Bari
- University of Catania
- University of San Francisco
- University of Florence
- Oncology Institute of Rome
- McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
- Milan Cancer Institute
- University of Trento
- Agostino Gemelli University Hospital, Rome
- Bari Cancer Institute
- Harvard University, Boston, USA
1 full professor, 2 associate professors, 2 maxillofacial surgeons, 2 university researchers, 1 PhD, 1 engineer
Other activities in this Research Line
Diagnostic and therapeutic innovation in central and peripheral nervous system diseases

Tiziano Lucchi
Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Monica Fumagalli

Filippo Cogiamanian

Giacomo Comi
Neurology - Neurodegenerative Diseases

Andrea Arighi
Neurology - Neuromuscular and Rare Diseases

Stefania Corti

Fabio Maria Triulzi

Marco Locatelli

Francesco Viola
Otolaryngology and Cervico-Facial Surgery

Lorenzo Pignataro
Maxillofacial Surgery and Odontostomatology

Aldo Bruno Giannì

Paolo Brambilla