Care and Treatment
Our Excellences

The pathways for the woman’s, mother’s and child’s health, rare diseases, transplants, dermatology, haematology, hepatology
and occupational medicine are just some of the excellences of our Hospital. Complex pregnancies and births are managed
by the Mangiagalli Clinic of the Policlinico, known as the “cradle of the Milanese” with its over 6 thousand births per year:
almost one every hour, seven days out of seven for 365 days of the year.
With the Regional reference centre for transplants (CRR),
at the Policlinico donations coming from intensive care, transplant operations and allocations of organs in synergy with
the National Transplant Centre are coordinated. Thanks to the advanced expertise of professionals, the transplant outcomes
are continuously improving, with success rates of over 90% one year from the operation.
The activities of general, obstetric gynaecology,
paediatric and dermatology First Aid make the Policlinico a reference for emergency urgency in Lombardy, with its over 100.000
accesses a year.
Organ's donation
and Tissue banks

International reference for collection, conservation and assignment of biological material, the Policlinico
is the location of the Milano Cord Blood Bank that has an inventory of over 9.000 donations
of blood from the umbilical cord, due to which over 500 transplants of stem cells have been performed in Italy and abroad.
The Policlinico is also the location of a Biobanca that offers conservation services of different
biological materials, such as serum, cells, DNA, RNA, at -80 and -196°C with an inventory
of about 200.000 samples relating to 23 Research programmes.
The Bank of Rare Blood is also there, feather in the cap of the Transfusional Center
that is concerned with identification of donors for rare groups and coordination and maintenance of regional
and National self-sufficiency relative to obtaining units of rare groups for cases concerning complex pathologies;
the Cell Factory “Franco Calori”, including a Research sector mainly dedicated
to the study of adult human stem cells, their potential and their differentiating capacity, and a GMP unit
for cell manipulation authorized for production of products for advanced cell therapy.
As always on the forefront for transplants and reconditioning of organs, it houses the
Nord Italia Transplant program (NITp) and, from 2016, also the Regional Coordination Transplant Center
and is partner of the National Transplant Centre.
The Policlinico also houses the Bank of Donated Human Milk, a Biobank for the cryoconservation
of seminal fluid and of muscle tissue, peripheral nerve, DNA and cell culture Bank that exchanges
valuable biological samples with National and International Institutes both for diagnostic and scientific Research purposes.
Technology and Innovation

Investment in clinical scientific Research and in cutting-edge technology to find new treatments
has always been the primary aim of the Policlinico.
Fetal and neonatal surgery, rejuvenation of organs, robotic surgery and fluorescence
guided surgery are only some of the innovative techniques that the professionals
implement every day. The high level training of the Policlinico teams’
allows performance of examinations that use advanced techniques in imaging field.
The teams high specialization also allows examination of the fetus’ nervous system, from the 19th week of pregnancy.
General surgery operations are mainly carried out with the minimally invasive laparoscopic technique,
for the full benefit of the patients and their functional recovery. Experts can rely
on cutting-edge equipment like 4K ultra-high definition endoscopes,
ultrasonic and bipolar dissectors. The Policlinico is one of the few centres
in Italy to have innovative instruments for Perfusion, and is on a level of excellence
among the Centres for kidney transplantation thanks to the operation of organ reconditioning.